Managed Services

How to Choose the Right Managed Services Provider for Your Financial Services

Choosing the right managed services provider (MSP) for your financial services operations is a critical decision for the success and stability of your organization. A strategic partnership with MSP can go a long way and help shape your financial institution’s journey toward efficiency and innovation.

When evaluating potential providers, it’s critical to consider factors, including their industry expertise, capabilities, scalability, customization, and most importantly, a proven track record. An MSP partner with specialized industry knowledge can help your bank or financial institution effectively navigate challenges and mitigate risks, including compliance risk management.

This blog outlines the essential considerations for choosing a managed services provider and some common misconceptions about MSPs in the financial services industry.

5 Key Considerations While Choosing Managed Services Provider for Financial Services

1. Industry Expertise and Experience

The financial services industry has unique technological and regulatory requirements. Therefore, you must look for providers with a deep understanding and proven track record in the financial services industry.

An experienced MSP understands the nuances, compliance-specific requirements, and security protocols, and provides tailored solutions for your specific needs with global consistency. Below are some key factors to evaluate the expertise and experience of MSP:

  • Domain knowledge
  • Track record via testimonials, reviews, case studies, client references, etc.
  • Industry certifications
  • Tech stack
  • Industry network
  • Longevity of successful past partnerships

2. Technology Capabilities

Assess the provider’s technological infrastructure and capabilities. Ensure they have the necessary systems and infrastructure to support your organization’s operations and deliver the desired outcomes. Below are some key points you can consider:

  • Range of Services: Is it limited to infrastructure management or does it also include cybersecurity?
  • Technology Innovation: Check with the MSP about their commitment to staying updated and the latest technological adoption, including emerging technologies such as AI, ML, NLP, etc.
  • Monitoring: Proactively monitor to identify, assess, and mitigate risks and issues before they become critical.

This case study shows how a community bank with the help of a reputed MSP could identify 48% more accurate fraud transactions with a customized automated data validation tool.

3. Data Security and Compliance

Compliance and data security are most critical and paramount in the financial services industry. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the provider has robust security measures in place and adheres to industry regulations and standards.

Also, visit their premises to verify that they employ robust security measures and conduct regular audits to ensure the safety and security of sensitive financial data. Compliance- focussed partner mitigates the risk of data breach and potential penalties. Look for the following factors in the MSP for the evaluation:

  • Regulatory expertise
  • Access controls
  • Physical security measures
  • Data breach and disaster recovery plans
  • Employee onboarding, training, and skilling
  • Transparency in responsibilities

4. Scalability and Flexibility

The banking industry is dynamic and needs to adapt to the changing market demands and ramp up/ ramp down the operations based on the changing business needs. Ensure that the service provider offers the required scalability to support the bank’s growth trajectory. They must have the capacity to handle demand fluctuations and meet the following criteria:

  • Scalability to accommodate increased demand and ensure efficient employee onboarding, training, and skilling
  • Customizable solutions tailored to specific requirements for effective partnership
  • Integrate new technologies into the existing infrastructure to support competitiveness and innovation
  • Quick response to downtime or fluctuations
  • Pay-as-you go model
  • Capable of handling loads without compromising performance or service quality

5. Agility to Support Business Continuity

Issues, risks, and challenges can arise at any time. A dependable managed services provider should offer round-the-clock monitoring and support. Swift response times and proactive monitoring can help minimize disruptions and allow your financial institution to provide uninterrupted services to clients. In addition, consider the following key factors for the evaluation of MSP support:

  • Ensure 24/7 availability
  • Clear response time is stated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
  • Communication channels for support, such as email, call, chat, or a dedicated portal
  • Technical expertise
  • Knowledge management
  • Ticketing system and remote support
  • Training and upskilling programs for employees with digital learning capabilities
  • Multilingual support to sever a diverse customer base
  • Knowledge management

A case study shows how Anaptyss helped a community bank commission a fully automated digital knowledge management and e-learning center of excellence for banks with a 100% updated knowledge repository and 1900+ digitized business process blueprints.

3 Common Misconceptions About Managed Services Providers

Despite the numerous benefits of managed services, some common misconceptions may deter financial institutions or banks from embracing this transformative approach.

Below we have addressed the three most common misconceptions:

1. Loss of Control

One concern often raised is the fear of losing control over critical functions by outsourcing them to a managed services provider. However, reputable providers work in close collaboration with their clients, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and objectives. Financial institutions retain control and oversight while benefiting from the provider’s expertise and resources.

2. Lack of Customization

Another misconception is that managed services offer a one-size-fits-all approach, lacking customization for specific business needs. However, leading providers understand the unique requirements of financial institutions and tailor their services accordingly. They work closely with organizations to design solutions that align with their objectives, ensuring a customized approach.

3. Security Risks

Data security is a top concern for financial institutions, and some may worry about the potential risks associated with outsourcing sensitive functions. However, reputable managed services providers prioritize security and invest in robust measures to protect data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. By partnering with a reliable provider, financial institutions can mitigate security risks and enhance their overall security posture.


When it comes to choosing the right managed services provider for your financial services institution, the stakes are high. The correct partner can elevate your operations, enhance security, and drive growth.

At Anaptyss, we understand the unique needs of the financial sector and offer tailored managed services solutions that align with your institution’s vision and empower your financial services for success in the digital era.

Contact us today to discover how our expertise and solutions can streamline your operations and boost productivity.

Write to us: [email protected].

Anaptyss Team

Anaptyss is a digital solutions specialist on a mission to simplify and democratize digital transformation for regional/super-regional banks, mortgages and commercial lenders, wealth and asset management firms, and other institutions. Its Digital Knowledge Operations™ framework integrates domain expertise, digital solutions, and operational excellence to drive the change.

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