Success Story

Re-engineered Business Processes to Improve a US-based Mortgage Lender’s Efficiency and Productivity

Client Introduction

A leading mortgage lender in the US, offering home loans through conventional mortgage, refinance, FHA loans, and other options.

Problem Statement

  • Predominantly manual origination process inflated the handling and closing cycle time per loan application, impeding the service efficiency, responsiveness, and borrower experience.
  • “Paper-based” documentation of printed, photocopied, scanned, and handwritten records without version control resulted in inaccurate and obsolete records. Physical records also posed risks of losing business-critical data.
  • Lack of quality control framework and practical rigor hampered the monitoring of processes and personnel, leading to unaccounted risks, unmanaged quality, and inadequate readiness to serve audits and regulatory obligations.
  • Manual tracking and reporting of operations without a centralized dashboard affected the visibility of performance metrics and lacked actionable insights to support business decisions.

Solution Offered

Anaptyss leveraged its Digital Knowledge Operations™ (DKO™) framework to co-create agile business operations with global delivery capabilities.

Key solution delivered

  • Reengineered business processes to enable agile delivery with minimal rework for third-party orders, faster pre-loan processing, and validation.
  • Robust quality control framework for extensive risk management, audit compliance, and business continuity.
  • Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technique for processing service orders – flood certificates, appraisal orders, etc., without manual intervention. AI-powered document extraction, and information verification to enable 24×7, uninterrupted digital documentation with precision.
  • SMART dashboard with granular profiling and analysis of transactions to derive real-time, actionable insights.
  • Scalable staffing with dual location – nearshore and offshore – services management to manage fluctuating volumes.

Business Outcomes

  • ~15% improvement in the closing cycle timelines per application.
  • ~20% efficiency improvement through leveraging the global shared services operating model.
  • 100% audit compliance with zero tolerance.
  • 100% cross-training of personnel ensuring knowledge sharing, retention, and optimum utilization.
  • Introduction of the digital and self-learning mortgage modules.

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